Reflection / Evolution

Anyone that talks to me for any extended period of time will quickly learn that I am into all “that witchy shit” (as my husband likes to call it). Nature and solitude always felt safer to me as a kid than groups of people. I was fun and silly, either as defense, or because you were lucky enough to enter my trust. Otherwise I often felt awkward and was much happier on a rock, down in the ravine, drawing whatever caught my eye, or my imagination. I believed in fairies and magic. I believed the plants and animals were my friends. I believed everything around me had and shared energy. Then I grew up.

As I grew, I wouldn’t say I completely lost my beliefs, but they were muted. The pressures and desires of school, work, friendships, and love grew stronger, and that ability to sit and dream became harder to achieve. Luckily, I have found myself at a high point in a creative field that allows me, and requires me, to connect to this. I have friends and family that share and encourage my growth and exploration. I am so proud of how far I have come in this life, but as I reflect leading up to this full moon in Cancer, I am asking myself what do I need to do to get to the next level. This current moon is not the moon to take action with, but I’ll probably write more about that tonight. For right now I am thankful for my connection to plants and flavors and art and while I recognize that as a child, that connection may have been used to escape and hide from life, I am trying to evolve. This connection is my gift, a tool that I have been given to face my life, my fears, and take me to new heights.

Over the last few years I have really started to use, and understand this within my pastry kitchen. I have built herb gardens and edible landscapes at my restaurants. I have taken old dishes and evolved them to greater versions with deeper meanings. I am so excited to start sharing with people my process, and my passion for flavors and why I choose them. They are such a powerful tool to break us out of our own mental cages and enjoy and share a moment of now. And I can’t help but feel that, like my desserts, I am ready to evolve into another, greater version of myself.


A New Year, and a Full Moon in Cancer


Full Moon in Aries Shortbreads