Full Moon in Aries Shortbreads

When the moon is full, it is at its most reflective state. With all of her being physically bouncing the suns rays back towards us, this is the time to reflect back on ourselves as well.

Tonight the full moon is in fiery Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, the initiator, the idea factory, full of energy, sometimes quick to excite or anger, full of passion.

Tonight is the time to ask the hard questions. What are you so full of that you need to let go of? What is holding you back from finishing what you start, or from starting what you’re passionate about? What patterns or habits need to be broken? This is the time to focus your energy inward, as the moon wanes and shrinks in size releasing what it doesn’t need, and reserving only what is important. Focusing inward and gaining strength so the intentions we set tonight can be attacked with full energy. So we can maintain our willpower and our steadfastness when things get hard.

This Full Moon in Aries energy hit me especially hard, before I even realized the full moon was today, or that it was in Aries. All I knew was i woke up Needing to stay inside and not see anyone. I needed to clean my bedroom and get my space (and my mind) together. And I needed to clean my altar. Then I realized the full moon was tonight, and it was in Aries. Makes perfect sense, my Aries energy feeling motivated to clean, slow down and reflect?!?! So I did. And I made these little shortbreads to boost my intentions and my energy over the next two weeks (if they make it that long).

They are infused with spices specifically associated with either the Moon or Aries.

🌙 Anise is used for Moon magic but the plant is actually associated with Jupiter, which means it is good for mental and spiritual growth, expanding our minds so we may better understand the world around us. Since the moon is all about psychic and subconscious, I thought this would be a perfect start.

♈️ I have a lot happening right now behind the scenes and I’ve been seeing so many things I need to change if I am going to succeed. So I also added 3 strong Aries herbs Cinnamon, Ginger and Black Pepper!!!

Like Aries, all three are spices governed by Mars (action, energy, assertiveness, independence, desire, passion, protection, aggression, achievement, victory). Mars the God of war adds protection against negative energy, and adds energy to projects and health! When used with other herbs of another planetary partner, they become the infantry and boost the power of their partnered herb (anise in this case)

Cinnamon: self-confidence, will-power, creativity and Love

Ginger: love, money, success

Black Pepper: wards off the evil eye and frees the mind of envy (which can lead to jealousy and depression) Free from this, it allows for focus one one’s self and on the task at hand!


Reflection / Evolution