A New Year, and a Full Moon in Cancer

Italian Almond Crescents for the Full Moon in Cancer

Every New Years, as is tradition, we tend to reflect on the year past. We think about what we have accomplished, events that shaped our year, and maybe our lives. It is a special time with amazing traditions all over the world. Some cultures eat round fruits and foods to symbolize the fullness and prosperity of life. Some cultures wear all white or run around their house with their luggage, and some like to throw food or even china at the doorstep. This year, I celebrated with my husband and my closest friends, but for some reason I simply felt angry and sad and shortly after the clock struck 12, I decided to go home. This feeling lasted the entire weekend and I wanted to point fingers and figure out who was to blame for this feeling.

One thing I have learned over the years is that whenever my mood is super shifty, it helps me to look to the stars. I am not an astrologer, but I have found that following the stars and the planets, and especially the moon, is an excellent tool for staying grounded when my emotions run wild. So, after a weekend of being moody and grumpy, I remembered, of course…We’re entering a full moon, which on it’s own can heighten emotions and the water works… but this full moon is in Cancer!

Now at first my reaction was, “shoot me now”, but I decided to dig deeper because I also realized we are not only in a Mercury retrograde until January 18th, but Mars is also in retrograde until the 12th!…AND it’s Capricorn season!

So, what does that mean, and how can you use this energy?

Cancer is naturally ruled by the moon, and is often associated with empathy, comfort, nurturing, and maternal energies. The moon’s connection to the waters of this planet, and every living thing on this planet has been documented scientifically ad nauseam, and people have used the moon as a powerful symbol of reflection, growth, and the cycle of life itself coming and going. So this full moon, was a chance to stop and reflect on our Cancer energies, those closest to home, our closest relationships. This is the time to ask ourselves some hard questions about our own role we have played. The full moon is never about pointing fingers and blame or shame. It is about looking inward, and shining a full light on the darkest parts of ourselves and being honest. Are we too quick to judge? Or to Anger? Do we say snarky remarks, and claim them as a joke?

But like I said, we are have two planets in retrograde! (This is when they appear to be moving in the wrong direction when viewed from earth) Mercury, the planet of communication, is retrograde until the 18th. That means, perhaps this isn’t the best time to try to communicate our problems or concerns, as this is a prime opportunity for mis-communication and misunderstandings. Mars, the planet of action, is also in retrograde, meaning this is not the time to act. However, we are in the powerful, clear-headed, facts-over-feelings, planning Capricorn season.

Throw this all together and basically, the stars are saying, “Stop! Stop everything. Stop and sit and think for a minute. Reflect on the year(s) before, reflect on your accomplishments. Look at the relationships that are closest and mean the most to you. Why are they important? Are there points of contention or concern? What role have you played? But right now, just sit with this and think and be honest with yourself. If there are things you could change or improve, maybe channel some Capricorn energy and make a plan. Write it down. If there are things you want or need to talk about, write them down and meditate on them. But wait until Mars and Mercury have gone direct, maybe even until the new moon on January 21st.

So how did I channel this and turn my mood around this week? I decided to make a classic Italian Crescent Cookie! As much as I wanted to make something crazy and herbal, this maternal full moon energy was telling me “keep it simple, keep it classic”. Almonds bring a higher purpose to our state of being, the two halves connecting the spiritual and earthly realms. When they are young, the fruit and the nut are both soft and malleable. As they mature they form a hard shell under the soft flesh protecting the edible sweet seed, and the only way you can experience the sweet treat, is with a little work to crack the shell. Just a little reminder that with a little work, and by keeping an open mind, we can enjoy the sweetness of life. The act of making this classic, but tedious little cookie helped to clear my mind. I also chose it because I know my husband loves them, and I wanted to make something we would enjoy together. Forming each cookie while thinking about this full moon, and about all the things I cherish about my relationship. Here’s the recipe:










Preheat the oven to 350. Using either a stand mixer or a deep bowl with a hand blender, paddle the butter, sugars, salt, and flavorings until the butter is super fluffy and light in color (about 5 minutes). Mix the almond flour with the all purpose flour in a separate bowl, then add the mixture to the butter and sugar and continue to mix until a crumbly dough has formed. The dough should be able to hold its shape when it is squeezed. Measure your crumbly dough into even portions. You can use a tablespoon, or if you’re crazy like me, I weighed each one to half an ounce / 14 grams. Squeeze into balls and then form into little half moon shapes, and place on a baking sheet with parchment. After all the cookies are formed and uniform, bake for 15-20 minutes. As soon as they come out of the oven, sift powdered sugar over them entirely and allow them to cool under the sugar.


Reflection / Evolution